jueves, 14 de julio de 2016

Summer holidays!

Hi everyone!

What are you up to? I hope you are enjoying a lot these summer days.

I am in Madrid, but last week I was not. Do you want to know where I was?  Let's play a game to guess it. Would you like? Everybody can join the game. And the one who figures it out will be the one who says a new place. Is it clear?

I will give you three hints:
  1. I was in an Autonomous Community to the northwest of Spain.
  2. I was there 7 days and 5 it was cloudy, chilly and rainy.
  3. I visited "The best bench of the world"
Do you know where I was? 

The first who guesses it, will be the one who gives the three hints.

(Os propongo un juego. Adivinad dónde estuve la semana pasada leyendo las tres pistas. Dad vuestras respuestas en los comentarios. Quien adivina, tiene que ponernos tres pistas para que adivinemos dónde está. In English, please :) )

6 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

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    2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    3. Hi everyone! Hi Marcos! I don't know how, but your comment about "Ortegal, Galicia" has been deleted. Sorry about that!

      At least, I received it!

      You got really close with your guess! I was not in Ortegal, A Coruña, but in Lugo; exactly in Loiba, Lugo. Here you are a short clip about the bench ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sSjxH2eXcM

      What about you? How is the High School? Are you happy? Hope everybody is enjoying it.

      See you around and please, leave as many comments as you wish!

      Loads of love,


    4. I do new friends,there are a lot of classes and all the asignatures in English except mathematics and spanish language.
      Are you this year in the Asturias?

    5. No, I am not, but I'm in a close school so we can meet up someday!
      I'm sure you will success in High School, Marcos! Get on with it!
      A big hug!
